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The platform for creators & gamers

WeMod allows creators to share their mods with millions of gamers.

WeMod creators sharing their mods with gamers.
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How it works

Automatic game detection

WeMod scans your game libraries to automatically detect installed games from popular launchers like Steam, Epic, and many more!

Enable and save mods easily

Enable and save

Control mods your way with our interactive controls, mobile app, and the ability to save mods.

Save mods

Simple, one-click play

No version anxiety or constant updates to download. Regular community support means we excel in one crucial area: our mods just work.

1.3.27 S5 GOLD-Public
Build 402981

In-game overlay

The WeMod overlay is the easiest way to enable mods without ever leaving the game or remembering hotkeys. Simply open the overlay (Win+G) and fine-tune your mods without missing a moment.

Why we have 4.95
on Trustpilot

Works in under 5 minutes

Actually works in under 5 minutes for many of today’s games whose programmers were too lazy or unimaginative to include mods. Brings extra longevity to many of today’s used and not so used games.

Richard M. Five stars

Best trainer I’ve ever come across!

I’ve been using trainers on and off since the nineties, and it’s always been a bit of a dodgy affair. This however, is AMAZING! Well organized, lovely interface, easy to install and use with games... and most importantly IT WORKS!

John S. Five stars

WeMod is the best

WeMod is easily the best program for gaming I have ever used. At first, I was sure this was just going to be another scam. As soon as I tested it out, it worked like a charm. It is a lifesaver and completely free! I recommend checking it out.

Aida C. Five stars


How is this free?

WeMod is free-to-use because of the community members who choose to support us by subscribing to WeMod Pro.

Is WeMod Safe?

Yes! WeMod mods are developed and tested by our community of millions around the world.

How easy is it?

WeMod eliminates all the complexity of using mods in single-player PC games. Our easy-to-use, seamless interface gives our community the power to personalize their gaming experience easily and safely.

Have any questions? Learn more from our support articles or active gaming community. You can also connect with us and other WeMod members on Discord.